Sunday, May 20, 2012

Photo: Saguaro blossom, up close

Finally, I found a saguaro flower blossoming on a low arm of a cactus so I could get a macro photo of the center of the flower.  Where did I find this, after driving around looking for a low saguaro flower?  About three blocks from our house.

A saguaro had an arm that had fallen into a horizontal position, so the flower was at eye level.  This flower had not yet opened, and it was in the afternoon shade.  So I decided to return the next morning to check on the flower.  What would it look like in the morning?  I will show you tomorrow and the days that follow.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos that illustrate the industrious nature of the Egyptian people and civilization.

3 comments: said...

This does look like it is bout one day away from coming into full bloom.

Memphis MOJO said...

So I decided to return the next morning to check on the flower

I admire your dedication!

Rob Siemann said...

I so often found the nicest things just around the corner. But no saguaro cacti here

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