Friday, September 9, 2011

Photo: Insect Revealed

Now this photo gives you a better perspective of the little bug crawling up the tiny flower.

It was early morning and the light was starting to rise so the bugs started to separate from their huddle.

Check out our travel photos of the architecture of Villa Balbianello in Italy at Viva La Voyage!


Thérèse said...

I am sure glad we don't have these at home, I would not know what to do... except for a picture! :-) said...

It is much better for these bugs to be interested in the flower than a person or dog.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Amazing Julie, gosh they have quite long black spindly legs for the size of their bodies. Fascinating.

Sharon said...

they make me think of some bugs I saw at the botanical garden. If they are the same, these little guys feed on plants that are poisonous so that in turn makes them poisonous to birds that feed on insects. Another version of the cycle of life.

Teresa said...

You seem to be so in touch with nature. A woman after my own heart. Keep 'em comin'.

glenda said...

Without your macro no one would notice their presence. Really great shots.

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