Yesterday's and today's photo show something very different about the Arizona desert. Normally there is no water in the river and the road crosses the river bed.
This reminds me of a funny story. During World War II there were prisoner of war camps for German soldiers in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, including one right next to where the Desert Botanical Garden is now located. A group of the prisoners got ahold of a map and they saw the GIla River, snuck materials to build a raft out of the prison camp, and escaped from prison, built a raft, and carried it many miles across the desert to reach the river.
The Germans had planned to float in the raft down river eventually to reach Mexico. After all the effort to reach the river, they were obviously disappointed to find a dry river bed with only rocks, no water. They did not realize that in Arizona maps that show rivers with a blue line mark rivers that have water in them for only a few days each year.
I'm glad Dave explained that most of the time, this river has no water in it at all. When it does have water, many roads that have unbridged crossings are closed.
Yesterday's and today's photo show something very different about the Arizona desert. Normally there is no water in the river and the road crosses the river bed.
This reminds me of a funny story. During World War II there were prisoner of war camps for German soldiers in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, including one right next to where the Desert Botanical Garden is now located. A group of the prisoners got ahold of a map and they saw the GIla River, snuck materials to build a raft out of the prison camp, and escaped from prison, built a raft, and carried it many miles across the desert to reach the river.
The Germans had planned to float in the raft down river eventually to reach Mexico. After all the effort to reach the river, they were obviously disappointed to find a dry river bed with only rocks, no water. They did not realize that in Arizona maps that show rivers with a blue line mark rivers that have water in them for only a few days each year.
That red on the banks is amazing and look at all of those birds!
I'm glad Dave explained that most of the time, this river has no water in it at all. When it does have water, many roads that have unbridged crossings are closed.
magnifique j aime bcp l ambiance de cette photo ;O)
Arizona rivers are pretty scary when flooding. Funny story Dave. What a disappointment.
The photo shows water that looks like it is flowing normally. Very deceptive.
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