Monday, September 27, 2010

Photo: Saguaro Ribs Standing Tall

Here is an interesting photo of a Saguaro cactus that has died, but its inner ribs are still standing tall.

Many people go in the desert and search for these saguaro ribs and then use the material to make furniture.

I have several items in my house the include saguaro ribs and I really like have these items around. I grew up in the desert so they are familiar items to me and they look gorgeous.

Check out our travel photos of the Art of London, England atViva la Voyage!

5 comments: said...

I presume that there are folks back East who did know know that Saguaro cacti have a skeleton of wooden ribs inside.

When you think of it, it is remarkable that something as tall and heavy as a Saguaro could stand without a central trunk like a tree.

These ribs must be especially strong to support the arms that grow out from the cacti.

B SQUARED said...

I learn something here everyday.

Sharon said...

These ribs make beautiful accents to furniture and other decorative items.

Lois said...

I never knew about these ribs. Very interesting picture.

~Cheryl said...

The saguaro cacti are fascinating in so many ways. This brought back fond memories of our April trip. Thank you!

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