You can see the size of the sealed structure is quite large. Although if you lived in it for two years sealed away from Earth, it might feel confined after a certain period of time.
There is passive solar input through the glass panels that covers most of the facility.
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I'm sure I would feel very confined after a few days, but it really is a large place to be contained under glass. :)
This is an impressive structure and it was an ambitious experiment. I think I would feel confined after after a couple of hours. I would prefer a real rain forest in Costa Rica.
This reminds me of those small Christmas snow globes and being caught inside one.
As beautiful as it is, I don't think I would enjoy being locked in there.
Where you in a glass cave?
I would imagine the type of people picked for this project would be a factor in the success or failure. Not only were they confined to a rather small environment but compatability would also be relative.
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