Thursday, February 11, 2010

Desert Bee and Cactus Flower

Here is a photo of a desert bee and an entire image of the cactus flower from yesterday.

Since 2002, the Africanized honeybees made their way to the Southwest including Arizona. The Killer Bees do attack small animals in backyards as well as elderly people and they attach in swarms and repeatedly sting. Some have died from the stings. It is not real common but does happen.

My scariest encounter with a swarm of bees was once when I was hiking in the desert and I heard this hum that started to sound like a roar. My instincts were that something was wrong. The sky got dark so we laid on the dirt under a tree in a low spot and the swarm flew over and we had no incident.

One other time I had a swarm of bees take over the front door at my house. One at a time the bees would get into my house and fly around and I could not figure out where they were coming from. Finally I saw the swarm and had to get a beekeeper to come and remove it.

Do you have any interesting bee stories?

This week, the photos on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site features the Volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii.


Louis la Vache said...

He be making makin' sum huny!

brattcat said...

Yikes. They target elderly people?

Sharon said...

Great shot. I've photographed a swarm in a tree, but never encountered one flying. Probably a good thing.

Kate said...

No stories as interesting as yours. Bees are such fascinating animals, and I hope that dire warnings of their troubles are greatly exaggerated because, like Pooh, I LOVE honey!

Luis Gomez said...

Wow! Scary story about bees!

glenda said...

This is a great photo, really gives you a close up of the bee. I have seen bees in a swarm one time and it was quite scary.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Very beautiful shot!

Anonymous said...

We had a swarm take up temporary residence in our garage. Stayed for a bit then moved on.

Louis B

Don and Krise said...

Beautiful shot Julie. I've never encountered an actual swarm of bees as of yet, and I hope I never do. As important as they are to the eco system I'd like them to just do their job and I'll watch from a distance.

Lois said...

Those killer bee stories always scare me! We had to have some bees removed from behind the stage in the theatre of the building where I work. They had built a huge honeycomb back there. It was amazing.

Magpie said...

The photo looks like butterscotch. I love the color.

We have a two story house and my daughter has her own bathroom. One morning after her bath, she told me she thought she could hear bees buzzing. I went to her bathroom and listened and sure enough I could hear bees. I stepped into the bathtub and listened to the wall. When I put my ear next to it, it was warm to the touch. You could feel around and tell where the hive was because of how warm the wall was. They were getting in at a place where two roof lines met. We had to get someone to come and take them away and then seal up the crack they were going in. We were lucky to not have anyone get stung.

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