Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lincoln Memorial

As my husband was leaving the Lincoln Memorial, he looked back for one last gaze and took this photo. You can see that the morning light was different than the golden sunrise lighting when he first arrived.
The Lincoln Memorial was copied after the Parthenon in Athens, of course. It is a classic.

Here is one of my husband's favorite stories/jokes about "Honest Abe" Lincoln. Lincoln was a very successful lawyer in Springfield, Illinois, and a much lesser lawyer had a case against him. The other lawyer went to Lincoln's office on the second floor of a building and said "Lincoln, you don't need to win this case, but it would be very important to me and my career. I will offer you $2,000 if you let me win this case."

Lincoln just stared at him. He continued, "They told me you would be difficult, Lincoln. I'll give you $5,000." Lincoln kept staring at him. He then said, "OK, Lincoln. $10,000. That's my final number and that is more than fair." Lincoln got up, grabbed the other lawyer, and tossed him out the window into the horse trough on the street below.

The lawyer looked up at Lincoln and shouted angrily, "Why did you do that?" Lincoln replied, "Because you were getting close to my price."

We have nighttime photos of Budapest posted this week on Viva la Voyage.


B SQUARED said...

It's beautiful in any light.

brattcat said...

What a series this has been. Hats off to the photographer. Well done, Dave. Well posted, Julie.

Sharon said...

Another beautiful shot. It looks so different then the creamy white marble that we see during the day.

Memphis MOJO said...

When I clicked to enlarge, I see there's an early visitor! Great shot, great series -- thank you.

Judy said...

Just stunning!

Frank said...

This is an absolutely gorgeous photo of the memorial. The light is perfect!!

DC is my hometown and I can never get enough scenes of it. I really like this one.

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

Trojan Gordon said...

Great Picture and Happy Thanks Giving all the way from London

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