Look at the texture in the sandstone walls of this slot canyon, which is located on Navajo lands.
It feels as thought you could reach into this photo, touch the sandstone, and turn the corner of this path through Secret Canyon.
The one thing that was rather interesting about my adventure through the slot canyon was that the sand fell down upon me frequently and during the taking of photos. Anytime the wind was blowing above the slot canyon, sand would blow over the "slot" and fall upon me and my camera.
Because I was taking many photos looking up, I would get sand all over my lens, camera, my face and the rest of me. I had quite a layer of fine sand dirt all over my skin when I left the slot canyon. We used a can of air to clean our cameras when we left the slot canyons.
I thought one more photo of the slot canyons might be welcome to those who loved the slot canyon series. Today is also Sunday, which means new travel photos of Budapest, Hungary so check out Viva la Voyage.
It is beautiful.. I love them. Dont hesitate to show more of them :))
No wonder Native Americans loved and respected their land. You gotta love something this beautiful!
I love this. I can almost feel the sand on my face when I look at the picture.
Thank you. These slot canyon shots are so inspiring. It's good to have another.
I totally agree with Brattcat, it's so inspiring!
Fabulous shot dear Julie, you are so talented!
God bless you
Looks 'alive' to me.
Must have been incredible to walk close to it. Just wonder whether one could even smell the sand, as I assume it to have a distinct way.
Whenever you have time to come by:
Trying the great adventure your site does so well on my own. As you said that every first day of the month has a certain theme, just wondered where one would learn about it?
A wonderful start into the new for you.
Another beautiful shot of the wonderful slot canyon. I love the smooth look to the canyon walls.
tres jolie,ca me fait pensee a Mars ;O)
Simply beautiful photo!
the texture, the colors, and the composition of your photo .... all oh so beautiful ...
thanks for your suggestions the other day, Julie.
This is just incredible. But I can't imagine all that sand in my camera...don't mind my hair, but my camera? Yikes!
This is a wonderful photo of an amazing place. I hope that someday I'll be able to see it for myself.
Wow, never thought about the sand coming down on you almost like a soft rain. Very interesting. This is a beautiful shot.
These are very beautiful photos. My first visit to your blog. The landscapes are so lovely, and you provide such a large photo after clicking ... I wonder that you do not put your name or other credit on the photo, even in the corner. It's true that someone determined to steal an image for reuse can do so, but why make it so very easy? Your work is lovely enough to appropriate, to my mind. Anyway, beautiful stuff.
wow, breathtaking photo! makes me feel i can actually feel the sands, as if i'm walking my fingers through it...^-^
The is probably your nicest shot in the slot canyon series, nice job!
This may be my favorite. No, wait, it was the one with the log. Oh, I can't decide. I guess I like them both a lot!
Beautiful...I envy your being there. Stillness, wind, sand....gorgeous.
Hi Julie. It's hard to believe this was taken on planet earth. Have you been to Mars lately? (I hope your camera is ok after all that mischievous sand).
Wonderful photo !
If I could visit that place i'd absolutely take hundreds of shots !
What an absolutely amazing shot, Julie! WOW! I just love this!
Just amazing photos. I taught the SW desert to my third graders for years. I would LOVE to see these in person. Lucky you for having this amazing photo adventure. You're photos have made it come to life for the rest of us. Bravo.
Oh Yes Thank you.
I don't mind seeing more of Slot Canyon!!
I really love your photos,specially this one. You are a Pro. photographer :)
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