The Desert Botanical Gardens is one of my favorite places to go. I love the cactus, serenity, and beauty of this special place and it has wonderful music and art events. Currently, Dale Chihuly has created exquisite works of glass that are interwoven with the cactus throughout the Desert Botanical Gardens. Viewing the works of glass art after dark is truly magical. You will see many photos over time of the various pieces of Chihuly artwork and the vibrant cactus that exists here in Arizona. The installation is called Chihuly: The Nature of Glass and it runs from November 22, 2008 through May 31, 2009. The Desert Botanical Gardens are only accepting timed reservations
click here.
Yesterday, Sharon of Phoenix Daily Photo posted
a photo of this same glass artwork in the daytime.
Atlanta still has two Chihuly installations from his exhibit at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. They're great! All his sculptures are beautiful. Great shot!
This is truly a magnificent piece, isn't it?
Great exhibit, I wonder how many times this piece has been photographed there.
this piece is like a fireball so i agree with Jarat's observation that it will be the most photographed piece in the installation. I went to the Chihuly exhibit in the daytime, then I went in the night time, and I plan to go back again. It is truly that magnificent to experience.
You comment about the number of photos being taken of the art work is interesting. Last weekend when we were there most people were taking photos. If this were 20 years ago, Kodak would have made a lot of money.
Oh a Chihuly. I long to see his work in reality. I've seen films, videos, books, newspaper articles and of course photographs. He had an exhibition in Kew Gardens. That was stunning as I saw in the film. A lovely shot and Julie, welcome to the family and I can't wait to see you one day in Monte Carlo - and a drink in Eze, perhaps? Or just here with me. So glad you've started a blog - good for you. I'm looking forward to your photos.
Thanks for dropping by and introducing me to your blog. Very striking image. 125 art galleries! That made me so envious. Looks forward to seeing some great images here of what looks like a really arty place.
Your photo is magnificent; it gave me envy to visit the web site of the botanical garden.
thanks to offer me this walk
Jilly: Yes, Dave and i will come and see you someday for a drink at Eze. We all have to make that memorable trip. And, Monaco and Monte Carlo are wonderful places to visit also. We used to travel to Europe regularly and now we have focused our travel trips on India, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, New Zealand, Argentina and we are heading to Morocco in April and Africa in December and e are going to do a solar eclipse trip in July. Everyone should be somewhere good that will make the solar eclipse a once in a lifetime event, right? At least that is what my brother said when he made us sign up on a cruise over 2 years ago. We will be in the middle of the ocean to see it. We will start getting back to Europe in the next couple of years though and we will definitely make a date with you for dinner and drinks. Thanks for your encouragement.
Babooshka: We are very lucky to live within walking distance of so many galleries. Over time, I will try to show wonderful art and events that surround our home in Scottsdale/Paradise Valley. The one thing about having a blog is it will compel us to go to events and see more things in our own community. For example, I have lived here my whole life and never have attended the Scottsdale Arabian Horse show. I will do so this year because of this website so I can share photos of those beautiful Arabian horses. Arabian horses are art in motion. Thanks for your encouragement.
Bergson, I am glad you liked the Chihuly photos. over time, I will drop them in for everyone's enjoyment. They are gorgeous to behold.
Hi Julie, I think this looks weird but wonderful!
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