I think you will enjoy the photos of Jokake Inn that I will share over the next few days. The images in the photos will look like historic Arizona from territorial times.
It is good that the Phoenician Resort maintained Jokake Inn as we need to maintain the interesting architectural buildings that we have in Arizona.
Arizona became a state in 1912 so we are a a very young state and really value the ancient Anasazi and other Native American ruins and territorial structures like Jokake Inn.
l'arbre fait un beau cadre pour cet immeuble, et j'aime bien la couleur du coucher du soleil
the tree makes a nice frame for this building, and I like the colour of the sunset well
You've composed this beautifully. I particularly the 'v' of the tree framing the inn and the tangle of trees on the left of the image.
this is a beautifully framed photo! I can't wait to see the rest.
I am enjoying the tour of the Phoenician. Great sculpture and beautiful gardens.
Love how you tease with that bit of very interesting architechture nestled in nature... can't wait to see (reminds me of a California Mission)...
That's a great photograph. I love the way the light is at work here.
I too like the way you framed the building between the two tree branches. Very nice!
One more fan here Julie. Shooting the building from between the trees was perfect. Can't wait to see more.
Like everybody else, I love that framing. It really works.
A wonderful peek of what looks to be a very lovely building. Looking forward to your other photos of the inn.
Very nice tour, I like the warm light.
Nice framing of the tower by the tree.
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