Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bougainvilleas and Frank Lloyd Wright

Bougainvilleas and Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright.  This big sweeping walkway with the beautiful bougainvilleas lining the path is at Taliesin West.  I love the combination of angles and foliage. 

Across from this pergola and bougainvilleas were the many drafting tables of the architect apprentices who worked at Taliesin West. 

The Taliesin West tour continues for a few more days.  For more information or to schedule a public tour, click Taliesin West.


josé luis said...

He recorrido tus entradas sobre la obra de Wright. Interesantes imágenes sobre la obra de tan extraordinario arquitécto.

Olivier said...

la couleur des bougainvilliers va bien avec l'architecture.

bougainvilleas color goes well with the architecture.

Jilly said...

I wonder if he planned the bougainvillea? Fascinating series.

Glad you both enjoyed Morocco. Oh, yes, very French of course. I long to go to Morocco. It's about time and only a hop, skip and jump from here really.

Lowell said...

Bougainvilleas you can have! They are beautiful, but we had them next to our pool and they died in the winter and made a mess...

They probably survive in Arizona although I can remember mornings in Phoenix in the teens.

Lois said...

They are gorgeous! Glad you had a good trip to Morocco. I have a friend who is going there in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a safe trip and are back home. I have enjoyed your series on Frank Lloyd Wright.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Hi Julie - are you going set up another blog page to share Morocco with us?

Sharon said...

Lots of angles and lines in this photo. Very nice.

Bergson said...

I love bougainvilleas but here it difficult to live

Emma Bond said...

Hope you enjoyed Morocco? We would love to get over there, hoping to some time soon, love the bougainvilleas. Obviously we don't get them here!!

Julie said...

Yes, I like the angles of that pergola, too. I bet the gardeners have a job restraining ther bouganvillia from gallivanting all over the pergola!

Dan said...

wow, this looks spectacular!

robert said...

...how wonderful it must be to pass by those flowers, enjoying a shawdow with every second step, leaving every first step for the smell...becoming always a first one again, with every new blossom.
You surely have an eye for what is important!

VP said...

Welcome back, enjoyed your series on Taliesin West. Very good perspective view, wonderful colours.

magicpolaroid said...

I love the combination of lines, angles and shapes!

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