Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ghost Bird

This is a ghost bird photo. A very unusual photo indeed. This looks like a bird but the image is empty of an actual physical form.

What you are looking at is a dove who flew into my sliding glass door. The dove lived, but left this highly unusual dust print of its body, head, wings, and feet. 

I call this dust imprint on my glass door, the "Ghost Bird." This is my unusual take on the worldwide City Daily Photo monthly theme day. Click below to see other "Empty" theme day photos.

Sorry for the sun spots and streaks but I wanted to capture the fine details at sunset with the light streaming through the bird dust on the window. This was not easy to photograph.


Lachezar said...

Amazing and very ghostlike. A most unusual take on today's theme. Great image however! Cheers!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow Julie, you are very creative, this idea is amazing! Congratulations and cool post!

purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)

B SQUARED said...

This is a wonderful submission.

Jim Klenke said...

Wow, it must have it hard. Very original.

brattcat said...

Amazing that the dove survived. And amazing eye and creativity on your part for turning that terrible moment in the life of the dove into this haunting image.

Olivier said...

effet surprenant, peut etre un extra terrestre

Mirela said...

Amazing image! Poor bird must have hit the window really hard...

Blind Fly Theater said...

I would say a difficult photo, indeed, Julie... but you did an absolutely magnificent job of it!
A ghost print... wow. This is so interesting (and just the slightest bit creepy... but not as creepy as if the bird had died).
Impressive, Julie... yes

Sharon said...

I'm glad to hear the bird surviived. He must have been a bit stunned. Great idea for theme day. said...

This is indeed a most creative interpretation of the "empty" theme. Stunning photo.

Lois said...

I'm so glad the dove survived! I had a hummingbird hit my glass door earlier in the year and he wasn't so lucky. This is an excellent picture Julie!

Unknown said...

This is so amazing, Julie! I had no idea a bird could leave such a 'print' on a glass... Glad it survived!

Judy said...

What a strange thing to find! Kind of creepy but great for the theme of empty.

Tanya Breese said...

Wow, that's incredible! Happy to hear he lived, strange imprint! Awesome take on Theme Day!

Meri said...

Fabulous shot -- I'm surprised the dove isn't an actual ghost bird.

Jilly said...

How absolutely amazing. It looks like a real bird - just extraordinary. Fabulous for today. Well done!

gogouci said...

That is awesome. It's like art. I'm glad the bird survived.

Lowell said...

Absolutely amazing! Superb photo for theme day!

Clueless in Boston said...

Great capture. Are you sure the bird really lived:) or are you just giving it a good spin?

Daily Chicago Photo said...

Amazingly wonderful! I thought it was a real bird. And I can imagine the patience and determination it too to get the photo just right. (I am glad the dove survived, too.)

glenda said...

Wow, this is really amazing!

Rudy said...

Wow Julie, interesting photograph and even more so the story behind it.

Thanks so much all the wonderful and supportive feedback you have left at AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com

Greg said...

Well that is a very different choice for the theme day. Love it!

Don and Krise said...

Did Alfred Hitchcock have something to do with this Julie? What an amazing photo. I can't believe some of the detail. Great contribution to theme day.

Carraol said...

Impressive image, this kind of captures are very unusual and is perfect for this theme. I guess this poor bird saw empty space in front of it.

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