Friday, June 26, 2009

White Paper Bark Tree Reaches to the Sky

This tree was very unique with its paper bark peeling away. I do not know the name of the tree.

I liked the look of the tree against the sky with the white feathery clouds. 

Sky shots can be so interesting. Tomorrow I will showing an unusual weather shot in Arizona. 

I am looking forward to the monsoons that occur in August here in the desert as I want to try some time lapse photography to capture lightening. 


Olivier said...

belle angle de vue, avec ce ciel majestueux said...

Strange tree. I don't think I have ever seen one of these out in the desert.

brattcat said...

Amazing capture.

Sharon said...

These are very interesting trees. They look they would create a huge mess but I've rarely seen any cast off bark around the base of them.

Clueless in Boston said...

Very nice angle indeed. One of the great things about photography is that we can see things in a way not ordinarily seen.

Prospero said...

Great picture, Julie.

Could this be a Bursera tree?
Perhaps B. fagaroides?

henny said...

Beautiful capture, you chose a perfect angle. I've seen trees like this with brown paper bark.

Blind Fly Theater said...

Wow! Amazing once again, Julie... what a deliciously beautiful shot. How in the heck do you do this!? Just gorgeous, and I'm delighted by it... really can't wait for the lightning time-lapses. Good luck!

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear Julie!
Outstanding shot!Fabulous angle!
Have a nice weekend

purrs , love and always peace
Luna(from Brazil)

Anonymous said...

Have a small (3" trunk) on our property. They grow well here in Southern California.


Unknown said...

Like it's coming apart before our eyes. Here, the Madrona trees have a reddish bark that does the same thing.

Lowell said...

Excellent composition...the tree sort of leans into the blue sky! I know the tree, but don't know the name of it either...reminds me of the birch trees in Minnesota...

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