The statue is quite detailed and interesting. It is placed in front of Jokake Inn, a historic building located on the grounds of the Phoenician Resort. You should enlarge it for details.
To the right of the statue is an Ocotillo cactus in bloom and a stately date palm is directly behind the statue.
I will be sharing more photos with you of Jokake Inn over the next few days as it is a magnificent architectural gem in Arizona.
c'est une belle statue et le palmier se marie bien avec.
it is a nice statue and the palm gets married well with.
Beautiful sculpture. Looking forward to the coming days.
Awesome statue! Very detailed indeed.
I see the buffalo headdress but didn't realize buffalo herds were as far south. Always assumed they were a northern animal.
That's very well done...the detail, as you said, is magnificent. You really have to enlarge the photo to get the full effect...when I did that, I thought this was the epitome of a young warrior, fearsome and brave!
You really do have to enlarge the photo to see th stunning detail. I've only seen this from a distance so I'm looking forward to your photos.
Wonderful shot of the statue. It is really well done. I also didn't realize buffalo were known for being in the Southwest. Can't wait to see more of the Phoenician.
Fantastic sculpture. Very powerful looking, and you're right. When you enlarge it the detail is great.
Highly symbolic statue I suppose, though I wouldn't associate buffaloes with AZ... Great shot, Julie, thanks for sharing it!
Several people above have commented about buffalo in Arizona. I don't think there are many buffalo in Arizona. In the high countryof Arizona there are lots of deer and elk, but buffalo are a plains animal, not a desert animal.
Now I see! And that's quite a headdress he's wearing. Even horns! Now I'm surprised the wee bird was so brave.
Fantastic! I like everything here: statue, building and Ocotillo! You don't see this plant here...
The dove picture was quite brilliant.
Very nice capture.
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