This tiny bunny has positioned himself on the cool deck between the pool and the golden barrel cactus. (I know, I need to pull some weeds that have cropped up around my golden barrel cacti.)
We have bunnies, bunnies, and more bunnies living in our front and back yards. I am partial to them so I let them live here.
I have up to nine bunnies who currently reside in our yard. I leave certain plants to grow large and bushy to provide cover and a home to the bunnies at night.
Bunnies eat my grass and require me to regularly put bunny cages around certain plants. I have numerous bunny cages in my garage that go out in the yard at certain times of the year.
I have had a Harris Hawk come into my yard and take a bunny. It was quite a sight and the hawk stared me down when I tried to interfere. The wings on the underside of the hawk were gorgeous as he flew right over me only three feet above my head onto my roof to stare at me. I finally gave up as he had already killed the bunny anyway.
tu deviens un vrai hôtel-restaurant pour lapins ;o))
you become a true hotel - restaurant for rabbits ;o))
That is one adorable, teeny bunny. What an amazing experience you, the hawk, the rabbit. I can just imagine that hard look in the hawk's eye when you tried to interfere. Excellent story, Julie.
Wild Kingdom in your backyard. In our area, Pythons are starting to appear. Idiots who bought them as pets opened the door and let them loose when they got tired of them. Now, we have these 25 foot long slithering things eating peoples Poodles. Nothing like looking in your backyard and seeing a monster.
Glad this bunny escaped. Sounds like you have lots of wildlife around, and I really like the cacti!
What a cutie! I occasionally get a bunny in my yard. When my sister got her yorkie, the breeder told her to never let the dog outside by herself for very long because hawks have been known to go after them.
This bunny escaped... But predators are more powerful.
What a cute little bunny. I hate to think of it as a meal for someone else, but I guess thus is the circle of life.
I think that the bunnies should eat the weeds growing in the middle of the barrel cactus to show the bunnies' appreciation for your efforts to save them from the hawk.
oh this little bunny is adorable!So nice you are on his side! Thanks for protecting him!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
Such is life. Both the bunny and the coyote made for wonderful photo's.
Boy, interesting times in your back yard. Nature is not always fun to watch is it? Great photos and story as always Julie.
Great photo Julie. Given a choice I would always be happy to see the odd bunny go for dinner. No hawks in my garden, perhaps because their are no bunnies either.
Have a small patch of grass outside the window, anywhere from 4 or 5 bunnies are on it in the evenings. I call them the "lawnmowers".
Haven't seen a hawk after a rabbit yet, but did see one try three times after a road runner before giving up.
Currently have a family of four road runners beep-beeping around the yard.
Fantastic composition, Julie! I envy you now, I only have one of these echinocactus in the background... :-)))
Very good shot of the bunny. It's amazing to think all that goes on in your backyard.
Have really enjoyed your bunny and coyote story. The Pittsburgh Steelers strap beside the Native American Dancer's leg was a fun post. Great work, as always! Thanks for sharing.
Wow...up to nine bunnies! Thanks for sharing.
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