Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Arizona Sunset

An Arizona sunset for you to enjoy. It is complete with cactus, latillas, and a mountain.  

I took this photo when I went to my full moon photography class last Friday night.  At the class,  I learned how to do long exposures using a new tripod and how to paint with light to take photos of objects in complete darkness. 

I also learned some tips for taking photos of the moon and night sky.  I am trying to hone my skills as I am going on a trip in July to photograph the solar eclipse from a very remote location. I hope I am able to take good photos of the solar eclipse. I will post some of them this summer even though I obviously will not be taking them from Arizona.  


robert said...

Jules Verne mentioned the magic of a sunset within one of his books - you took the picture of it.

Olivier said...

une belle réussite cette photo. Cela doit être bien d'avoir des cours de photos de nuit, parce que c'est pas toujours facile de bien gérer la lumiere.
a great success this photo. That must be nice to have photos of the courses at night, because it is not always easy to manage the light.

Jim Klenke said...

I love this shot. You sure you needed to take a class? Night shots are one of my favs.

cieldequimper said...

Oh a wonderful shot. I'm all starry-eyed! ;-) The composition is extraordinary.

brattcat said...

You have proven to be an excellent student. This is a terrific photo. I feel as if I'm being held inside the mouth of some primal creature, peering out at the Arizona sunset.

Bergson said...

sky seen through a mouth

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

I love the comments above. Framing the cactus in the lower part of the photo with the latillas at the top created a superb effect of peering out at the sunset from inside the teeth of a strange animal.

Sharon said...

Beautiful shot. Sounds like you got quite a lot out of the class.

Nancy said...

You are becoming a pro Julie! Beautiful shot.

Hilda said...

Beautiful! I like how those things on the roof echo the silhouette of the cacti.

I am definitely looking forward to your photos of the eclipse!

Anonymous said...

This photo is elegaic, reminds me of an epic western. I really like it.

henny said...

What is latillas? I always love silhouette photograph but haven't done it. Yours is lovely. And I never attend a photography class. It must be fun, gather with people with similar passion.

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...


Latillas are the slats or poles on the roof the of ramada shade structure. In Arizona, they are often made out of the ribs that grow inside the saguaro cacti. I think Julie had a photo of the latillas in the past some time.

Because it is a Spanish word, the "ll" in latilla is pronounced like a "y," so the word is pronounced like it should be spelled la-TEE-ya.

Because my son lives in Buenos Aires, I should clarify that if you were in Argentina, you would pronounce it la-tee-sha.

Jane Hards Photography said...

That is flat out gorgeous. The colours and light just meld into easch other in way I's never see here.

Judy said...

Wonderful shot, very much Arizona looking. I would have loved to go to that class!

Rob said...

Marvelous! The silhouettes against the sunset colors is pretty. Sounds like you took a fun class.

I really enjoy long exposure and night photography. I also like to shoot well beyond the golden hour where the sky becomes that brilliant blue 1/2 hour after sunset.

Eki said...

The framing of those shadows make the sky even more magnificent.

Mysticle said...

This is a beautiful photo. I love taking photos of sunsets, one of favorite shots. Rick and I are actually hoping to relocate to AZ this year.

Thank you for visiting our blog & commenting on the Jasmine story :)

Tara said...

Wow, I'd be looking forward for those posts Julie. I wish I could take those classes too, but it's not being offered here. :(

Prospero said...

This is a stunning shot. I love cacti and all the different shapes they come in. I come from Bermuda and grow some cacti just cause they're so much fun. Again, great picture.

Don and Krise said...

I don't know what else to say other than beautiful.

Carraol said...

Beautiful composition and light of this moment. I'll expect your pictures of the next Solar eclipse, sure you are going to a very far spot to see it. Greetings from MC.

Unknown said...

This is awesome, Julie! Fantastic composition!

Jilly said...

What a fab photograph. Superb.

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