Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Agave Cactus Flowers

I love my beautiful agave cactus. I have many in my yard and they grow very, very large.  

As part of the life cycle, however, once they grow a main stalk from the center of the agave and bloom, the agave dies.  

The strong stalk grows straight from the center of the agave and reminds me of Jack in the Beanstalk. The stalk can grow 8 to 12 feet high. And then once the stalk reaches for the sky, you get these gorgeous flowers that pop out. 

These flowers also drop little baby agave shoots that start the cycle over again. I have been able to grow numerous agave in my yard from the cactus pups that have started on their own in my yard.  


Olivier said...

en effet il fait de belles fleurs.

Lois said...

That's a tall flower! They are beautiful.

Janet said...

I didn't know cactus could be so soft and beautiful!

B SQUARED said...

Have you tried your hand at Tequila making yet?

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

They die after sending out a tall stalk, but they also usually have several pups growing under their giant leaves so several new agaves replace the ones that die.

Sharon said...

Great shot. These are very impressive blooms!

Unknown said...

A very nice picture. I've allways cacti as something pointy and annoying. This one is beautiful

Clueless in Boston said...

They look like little brussel sprouts. Interesting, I didn't know anything about the agave cactus. It almost sounds like they could take over your yard too.

robert said...

What a beautiful picture today. After spending many hours in a hotel lobby, waiting for my student to finish her exam (after eight hours), looking at everything green brings back life and joy - thank you.

VP said...

Could you post an image of the plant? I am not sure if this is the same I have, still with no flowers!

Nancy said...

Hi Julie,

I never knew they died after blooming. Beautiful shot.

Have a good week-


Anonymous said...

This is a really unusual picture. I thought it was some kind of seed head.

Lowell said...

Beautiful. You must have a beeeg back yard!

Kate said...

They're very lovely in colour and form, but visual association sometimes gives one a laugh. Looks a bit like worn out make-up brushes, too!

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