Thursday, April 30, 2009

Theater Dining at Taliesin West

At the back of the theater in the photo I showed in yesterday, there are some dining tables and a big fireplace. It looks so romantic and cozy.

You can see the signature Frank Lloyd Wright wall lighting. These lights are spectacular and look great on the desert masonry wall. 

Even though Frank Lloyd Wright lived in his desert camp, he clearly lived in style. He loved watching movies and was friends with lots of producer and actors. Wright was able to obtain many uncut version of movies and he would provide feedback for the editing process for several Hollywood producers.

As you may know, Frank Lloyd Wright always wore a suit each day, even in his desert camp. He never knew when a prospective client might drive up. About once a week at Taliesin West, all of the apprentices had to dress up in a tuxedo and they had a formal dinner.  To succeed in the business world, the apprentices needed to learn to present themselves professionally even though they are living in home made dwellings in the desert.  This experience must have been quite a magical time.


Anonymous said...

I read this with interest. Some of what it talks about are things I can remember seeing on television a long, long time ago and not that long after I got out of the army. There was a series of programs about his work and in each there were movie clips of him at work with his students or with a client. He died in 1959 so it had to be sometime in 1957 or 1958 or perhaps earlier than that. I always admired his work and his blending his work with Nature in ways I had never seen done before.

B SQUARED said...

I wonder how that dress code would play today.

Olivier said...

génial cette salle de quel décor : une grotte
brilliant this room of restaurant and which decor: a cave

Lowell said...

What a guy. Are these romantic tables still used today or are they just for show?

Great series, Julie!

Sharon said...

A very attractive dinner setting.

robert said...

A further proof that light does so much more than just brighten a place - surely allows to see into oneanothers heart while sitting at this table, which makes me happy, thinking about those who are lucky to sit there.

Lois said...

I am enjoying all this interesting information you are providing with your pictures! I can just picture everyone dressed up for dinner in here. It's lovely!

Unknown said...

I love this series. It's so interesting for someone who actually isn't that much into American cultural history. This setting seems like a really nice place to have dinner.

Bergson said...

you invite us?

Clueless in Boston said...

Tails and tuxes in the desert. Boy they must have gotten hot under the collar.

Judy said...

Very grand!

Lynette said...

Neat photo and a very interesting post. Thanks for stopping by Portland Oregon Daily Photo.

PJ said...

Wright fashioned a fantasy world for himself. I really can't think of it any other way. Magical describes it perfectly.

VP said...

Interesting post and fascinating image. I can't remember the last time I wore a suit at work. Probably never...

Reparto corse n. 6 said...

bella photo, grazie!! ciao

Neva said...

This is a great photo.....I mentioned that there are quite a few Frank Lloyd Wright's house here in Chicago....

Kim said...

Having seen Taliesin in Spring Green, WI recently, it is interesting to see how FLW designed this house for the Southwest. He didn't always pay attention to site restrictions - like cold, Midwestern winters. Taliesin has a lot of ill-fitting windows.

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