Thursday, March 13, 2014

Photo: Sedona views

Traversing terrain like the photo I showed yesterday pays dividends such as the views that you see in this photo by my step son.

If scenes like this look a little familiar to people who have been to Disney World or Disneyland, Sedona was the inspiration for Disney's Thunder Mountain Railroad ride.

If you look closely at this photo, you will see Stuart's Jeep on the rock at the right of this scene. Stuart chose a location such as this to propose to Christina.  As young people today like to do, he surprised her after setting up his camera so that he could record the moment on video.

This week we are showing photos of the people of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. This really is a fantastic shot. But, I see the Jeep looks red in this shot. The color of the rocks must be reflecting on it.

  2. Where's Waldo? Or where is Stuart's jeep? Fantastic view!
