Friday, March 14, 2014

Photo: Jeep splashing through the mud

In addition to dramatic scenery such as the photos I have posted during the last few days, Stuart likes to take photos of his Jeep driving through the mud.  I don't quite understand that, but I am nevertheless pleased to post some of his photos.

Stuart keeps lots of gear in his Jeep and he has often pulled out other drivers who do not have vehicles as rugged as his Jeep to get them out of predicaments that they misjudged.

This week we are showing photos of the people of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. It is fun! very understandable. I like to do the same with my Pajero! Very nice Jeep BTW.

  2. It must feel good to wash the Jeep after one of these outings.

  3. I've seen a lot of muddy Jeeps. They were probably doing the same thing.

  4. I don't get that myself... though I love Jeeps. It's one of the few cars I can actually identify on sight!
