Monday, March 10, 2014

Photo: Orpheum Theater Interior

This is a photo of the interior of the Orpheum Theater just a few minutes before the start of Lewis Black's appearance.  This view shows the side wall of the theater, with the stage at the left.

The red glow at the bottom of the ceiling transitions into a night sky directly overhead.  The City and private donor spent $14 million for a 12-year renovation project to transform the theater from and old movie theater into a performing arts venue.

It is hard to imagine how the previous owners painted black paint over the interior fixtures and even the murals on the side walls.

This week we are showing photos of the people of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. You are right. How could people paint black over the interior fixtures and murals? How could the theater have fallen into such hard times that painting over such decor for use as a plain movie theater was considered its best use?

  2. It is distressing to think anyone would paint all that beauty black.

  3. This is such a beautiful theater. Interesting history, makes you wonder what is on someone's mind who would paint over murals and beautiful walls.
