Sunday, February 9, 2014

Photo: Saguaro ribs

Yesterday I showed a giant saguaro, so today I am showing the ribs of a dead saguaro.  Saguaros do not have a trunk, nor a tap root.  They are supported by ribs that form a column inside.  When a saguaro dies, the flesh decays away and leaves a skeleton of ribs.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos of the Sepik River tribes of Papua New Guinea.


  1. I trust that the saguaro ribs that are used in furniture are gathered from dead saguaros, as it would be shameful to harvest saguaros for their ribs.

  2. They have a certain beauty to them.

  3. The cactus looks great against that dusty looking sky.
