Saturday, February 8, 2014

Photo: Giant Saguaro Cactus

This giant saguaro cactus in the desert is a little unusual in shape, as it towers far above the point where it sprouted arms.  Saguaros typically sprout arms after about 80 years, so this cactus is probably more than 200 years old.

This week we are showing another set of underwater photos from our recent trip to the Galapagos Islands posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. This looks like a saguaro that is ready to play basketball.

  2. Dave was thinking the same as me. A basketball star in the making.

  3. I miss the Arizona landscape ... especially the saguaros.

  4. I am certainly no expert in cacti, but that one sure looks different from the ones that I have seen.
