Sunday, July 13, 2014

Photo: Haboob warning

We have not had any haboobs yets this monsoon season, which is just beginning.  We did have one haboob warning last week, but the wind outburst did not escalate into a haboob.

This is a photo from my office of a haboob as it moved across central Phoenix.  Fortunately, these are very rare, and the blow through in a few minutes.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos of the Great Synagogue of Budapest, Hungary.  It is a unique, amazing building.


  1. I hope there are no haboobs in Phoenix this season.

  2. Tempe got hit with one last week but they were calling it a "sand storm" just like they did a couple of years ago. Maybe it didn't rise to the "haboob" level.
