Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Photo: a palm tree that badly needs trimming

When I see a palm tree that has not been trimmed, the first thought that screams into my head is:  "SCORPIONS."  The dense, dead palm fronds are excellent habitat for scorpions.  Citrus trees are also habitat for scorpions.  An untrimmed palm tree in the midst of an orchard would compound the problem.

This week we are showing photos of the architecture of Budapest on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. Good point! David's cabin in Yarnell had a tough scorpion problem. We would see them all the time. I guess the fire took care of that problem....maybe.

  2. I would not want the job of trimming these trees.

  3. There are a couple of palm trees that look like this in a yard in my neighborhood and it drives me crazy every time I see them. We don't have the scorpion problem, but they sure are ugly when people don't bother to trim them.
