Sunday, June 1, 2014

Theme Day Photo for "Zest:" A heavily laden grapefruit tree

Today's June 1 Theme for City Daily Photo bloggers around the world is "Zest."  Citrus flavors are zestful, particularly lemons and grapefruit.

This grapefruit tree is loaded with fruit waiting to be picked.

It can be a problem for people with citrus trees to find people to pick the fruit off the tree.  When we lived in an groves neighborhood there was a citrus company that had crews who came through and picked the trees, as it was too much for the homeowners to do.

 In some residential areas, people put little grocery bags of citrus in front of their houses with a little box for people to drive by and take some fruit and put a little money in a box on an honor basis.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos of the architecture of Budapest, Hungary.

To see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted today's theme of "Zest," please use this link.


  1. Au Portugal c est un peu pareil,il y a tellement de fruits citrons oranges que les fruits pourrissent au sol,c est un vrai gachi et desolant quand on voit les prix ici en magasin..

  2. terrific interpretation & photo!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. not so much a fan of the grapefruit but great choice for the theme!!

  5. Good choice for Theme Day! One of my neighbors has a lemon tree and quite a few of them end up on the ground and go to waste every year.

  6. You went right to the source for your zest shot. I use the zest of lemons and oranges in cooking all the time and believe me, it crossed my mind to photograph some of that.

  7. Lemons add a zesty accent to many recipes,especially when you can use fresh lemon.

  8. A splendid choice. My mother liked the taste of grapefruit. Admittedly, it's one fruit I never developed an appreciation for.

  9. They look wonderful and full of zest for sure :).
