Monday, June 30, 2014

Photo: The bird tries another approach to reach for the cactus bud

The bird with his eyes on the cactus bud a little below the top of the Mexican fence post cactus decided that a better way to reach the cactus bud was to fly off his perch on top of the cactus and land on a slightly lower cactus bud to reach up to the bud that he wanted to eat.

I wouldn't think that these little buds would be strong enough to be a good perch to support the bird, but I will defer to the bird's judgment on that.

I took this photo from my kitchen window, zoomed in, with a shutter speed of 1/1,600 of a second.  Even at that super fast speed, there is nevertheless a little blur from the movement of the wings.

This week we have photos of Majorica posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. this is a "special" photo !
    really amazing, thanks for sharing..and saluti dall'Italia

  2. Persistence pays. I hope he was successful.
