Sunday, May 25, 2014

Photo: Pedicab driver at work.

The pedicab driver I showed yesterday quickly jumped on the bicycle and pedaled south.  This is tough work, especially as the temperatures stay hot at this time of year, as reflected by the fact that this driver chose to work without his shirt.

There was a horrible traffic accident a year or so ago in which car hit a pedicab operating at night without light or reflectors.   As a result, the Scottsdale City Council has recently enacted an ordinance to require safety measures for pedicabs.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos of the Patagonia region of southern Argentina.


  1. We have them here too. This ONE job I would not want to do... ever.

  2. This guy has to be in really good shape!

  3. I hope he has some sun block on.

  4. je suis éjà fatigué à l'idée de faire avancer un tel véhicule
