Sunday, May 4, 2014

Photo: In Memoriam to the Late Dora Nichols

This is a photo of one of my mother's best friends, Dora Nichols.  She was also a dear friend of Dave and me.  She passed away a few days ago and her memorial was yesterday.

Like my mother, she was a devoted school teacher.  She was as kind and considerate as a human being could possibly be.  I selected this photo from the rooftop cafe at the Ufizzi Gallery in Florence, Italy, because I believe that it captures her warm personality.  Dora joined us for a trip to Italy that we planned for 16 friends and family several years ago.  Dora was like family to us.  She joined us for a Thanksgiving weekend last year, and spent  last Christmas with my mother and brother.

She treated everyone with the utmost of courtesy and respect.  She had a warm greeting for waiters, strangers, and anyone she encountered.  I remember in Italy how she would engage the Priests in conversation in the churches we visited.

Dora was from British Columbia, but lived in Phoenix most of her life.  Her Canadian roots were a comfort to her when the political climate in Arizona veered off in directions not befitting her high values.  She and Dave loved talking politics with each other.

Dora often attended the art group gatherings at our house, and all of her friends will miss her immeasurably.  My mother and her other close friends attended to her in her final weeks as she was in need of hospice services.  My mother was with her as she passed.

Even though her passing was not unexpected, as she courageously battled cancer and endured several surgeries for cancer in her tongue, the expected nature of her passing does not diminish our sorrow.  She will always be with us.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing photos of Vienna, Austria.  It is a classy city, the kind of which Dora would approve and it would be befitting of her sense of art, history, and culture.


  1. This is such a perfect tribute to a very beautiful lady, both inside and out. I always enjoyed seeing Dora at your house or at one of our plays. She will be missed by everyone who knew her.

  2. Thank you for your beautiful tribute. This is just what I needed. So glad we all were together in Sedona for Thanksgiving.

  3. It is a very fine tribute to a valued friend.
