Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Photo: Emanuel Ax Concert in a Private Home

Yesterday evening we attended a performance by preeminent classical pianist Emanuel Ax in a private home about a mile from our house.  Mr. Ax performs and records often with YoYo Ma, has been artist-in-residence at the New York Philharmonic, teaches at Julliard School of Music, and performs regularly with the world's top orchestras. Here is a link to his biography.

It was a treat to attend a recital by Mr. Ax in the intimate setting of a private home.  It was a fundraiser for the Phoenix Symphony.  Mr. Ax stopped in Phoenix at the invitation of some long time friends of his while en route to California to perform next week with the L.A. Philharmonic.  He played a program featuring Brahms and Chopin.  My husband has served on the Phoenix Symphony Board of Directors for 20 years.

The sold-out event was attended by about 60 people and included dinner.  The level of musical knowledge and appreciation for classical pianists among the audience is reflected by the people who were sitting around us at dinner.  The people sitting to our immediate right, left and across from us at dinner own a total of 8 antique Steinways and two Bechstein grand pianos.  Bt the end of dinner, I was organizing an upcoming dinner and recital at one of their homes, with me bringing the wine, food and some friends to cook the dinner.
This week we have photos from our recent cruise in Mexico's Sea of Cortez posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. Sounds like an exclusive and talented gathering of music lovers who enjoy good food, wine, and conversation as well.

  2. What a treat for you to get to see this fantastic musician in such a great setting. I think I mentioned to you at dinner the other night that I had just heard an interview with him on the radio. He talked about being friends with Yo Yo Ma since they met at Julliard when they were both students. He has a great sense of humor.

  3. That would have been a night to remember.

  4. I am green with envy. It could be a long-lasting memory.
