Friday, April 11, 2014

Photo: Desert Tortoise

About a week ago my secretary, Nancy, brought one of her desert tortoises into the office.  This is an iPhone photo of the desert tortoise on top of a filing cabinet.

This desert tortoise lives in Nancy's yard.  His name is Trudy.  Nancy named the tortoise before the tortoises gender was ascertained, and by the time she realized that Trudy was a male, he had long been named Trudy.  She refers to him as Trude the dude.

In my post on Sunday I will show the reason Nancy brought the tortoise into the office.  Nancy is devoted to care for animals. For years she volunteered on weekends at a bird rescue organization.

This week we have photos of the Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. Did the Dude like the visit? I can't tell from his expression!!

  2. Handsome guy! But, he does look a bit out place on the filing cabinet.

  3. Wow quite the visitor to a law office!

  4. The dude doesn't look really happy at your office.
