Sunday, March 30, 2014

Photo: Wrigley Mansion

The Wrigley Mansion sits atop a knoll near the Arizona Biltmore Hotel.  It was owned by William Wrigley of the chewing gum fortune.

In later years it was acquired and renovated in the 1980's by a savings and loan and then by Gordie Hormel, heir to the Hormel meat packing company, makers of Spam, and inventor of Dinty Moore beef stew.

It is an architectural gem of the Santa Barbara spanish colonial style.   It is used as a restaurant and club and is a popular wedding location.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. this week we are showing photos of the Sydney Opera House, one of the world's great buildings.  The photos show both the outside and interior.


  1. It's a special treat to have Sunday brunch up there.

  2. The Wrigley Mansion is a great place for a special occasion.

  3. Nice shot of the mansion in its beautiful setting.
