Monday, March 24, 2014

Photo: Phoeniician Resort Spa Outdoor Lounge

I can't show many photos from the spa at the Phoenecian Resort, of course, because photos would be intrusive to the spa experience.   But the opportunity for this quick iPhone photo presented itself because there was no one in the outdoor lounge area at the time.  People can wait in this area or in the adjacent indoor lounge.

While the iPhone had to be on temporarily to take this photo, the ring was shut off, as a ringing cell phone in the spa would be unthinkable.

This week we are showing photos of the Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia, Argentina, on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. A very pretty little waiting area.

  2. A good application of shading, as it would e too intense to sit in the sun.

  3. so beautiful with area with shadows and lights
