Saturday, February 1, 2014

Photo: Theme Day -- Entry, into the Biosphere 2

Today's theme day theme is "Entry." I am showing the entry to Biosphere 2.   The Biosphere is an experimental enclosed ecosystem constructed between 1987 - 91.  Researchers lived inside the self-sustaining environment for several years in the early 1990's.

The envitronment inside the Biosphere recreates different ecosystems found on earth so that the researchers can live for years within the glass enclosure, without any interaction with the outside world.

It is called Biosphere 2 because the rest of Planet Earth is Biosphere 1.  Today the facility is owned by the University of Arizona and is open for tours.  It is located just a little north of Tucson.

I thought that the entrance to Biosphere, which the researchers entered only once for several years, would be a fitting post for the theme of "Entry."

This week we are showing photos of Grenada, Nicaragua, on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  It is a charming Spanish colonial city.

To see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted the theme of "Entry," use this link.


  1. I need to go there again one of these days before it gets too hot.

  2. Perfect! This is a place that is on our list to visit next time we are in Arizona. Wasn't sure if it was still open to the public. Thank you! Super photo.

  3. Very interesting place. It is on my to do list.

  4. An excellent shot. I'd forgotten any mention of this place... I suppose it's been years since it was mentioned at all in the press at large.

  5. I had forgotten about this place. No, I would never volunteer to live there.
