Saturday, February 15, 2014

Photo: Owl in My Backyard Tree

This was a surprise, as a big owl was in the Palo Verde Tree in our backyard.

We were out of town and my Mom came over to water the cactus (yes, you have to water the cactus).

She looked up and saw this owl and took a quick iPhone photo.

We are glad she did as we were surprised to see this owl in the day time.

About a year ago, I was working in my home office and I heard a slow steady whoo, whoo, whoo.  The first night I did not even think about it being an owl.

The second night when I was working my home office, I heard the same whoo, whoo, whoo.  It then clicked this must be an owl.

It was dark and I quietly went out my front door to see if I could see the owl.  I stopped in my tracks as the large owl was sitting in the crook of a very large branch in the tree in my front yard.  The owl was only about 15 feet in front of me and about 10 feet off the ground.

I stood there and watched it and then it silently glided off the branch, right onto the ground in front, picked up a rabbit, and quietly flew down the street with the rabbit in its clutches.

It was right out a nature show.  Then my neighbors put up front lights on their houses at night, and the owl moved away.  Maybe it has returned to my backyard though as the owl above looks like the same size as the one I previously saw at night a year ago.

This week we have photos of the Sepik River tribes and villages of Papua New Guinea posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. What a nice surprise! I used to have an owl that hung out in my back yard at night, but I haven't heard it for awhile.

  2. That is a big owl. It looks similar to the one I saw at the Desert Botanical Garden last fall.
