Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Photo: Cat Car

Yesterday I showed the Cat Circus bus, so today I am showing a cat car, or cat SUV.

This vehicle was parked next to the Circus Cat bus that I showed yesterday, so I assume that this vehicle belongs to the crew of the Cat Circus.

The Cat Circus is based in Chicago, so they must use this vehicle for running local errands so they don't have to drive around in their big bus.

Plus the bus must be full of cats.
I have mixed feelings about the Cat Circus.  Wild animals should be kept in the wild, but cats are domesticated animals.  Is it better for the cats to be trained to do circus acts than it is to leave them alone in a house?

I will conclude this series tomorrow.

This week we are showing photos of Grenada, Nicaragua, on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  It is a charming Spanish colonial city.


  1. Oh my gosh, I saw this car recently and I wondered what it was all about. I would have snapped a photo but, I was driving and not in a position to turn around.

  2. I guess Sharon's comment above shows that they should plaster Circus Cat advertising all over their SUV like they do on their bus.

  3. Yes, this car would cause some attention! I would have guessed a cat groomer or maybe a cat Vet.
