Monday, December 9, 2013

Photo: A tree after a lightning strike

This is a close-up photo of a juniper tree trunk that has been singed and felled by a lightning strike.

Hiking on the many trails in the Sedona area is a popular activity, and during our recent weekend there we noticed that there were a lot of trees that had been burned by lightning strikes.

During a hike of about 90 minutes, we must have passed a dozen trees that had been charred and felled by lightning, undoubtedly during Arizona's July-August "monsoon" season.

Most of the trees in the forests around Sedona are juniper and pinion pine, both of which are, fortunately, resistant to fire.

This week we have photos of the Hassan II mosque of Casablanca, Morocco posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. It was striking to see so many trees that had been zapped by lightning.

  2. Sounds like that wouldn't be a good time to go hiking on those trails.

  3. I enjoy hiking around Sedona. The photo is amazing. I like the angle you shot it.
