Monday, December 23, 2013

Photo: Grand Canyon Skywalk

Don't worry.  These visitors are not in danger.  The Grand Canyon Skywalk was engineered with enough strength to hold 71 Boeing 747 airliners.  It could hold 800 people, but they limit it to 120 at a time.

It was built in 2007 at a cost of $31 million.  The Hualapai Tribe took control of the project from the corporation that previously operated it.  There is a visitor center, and plans for additional tourist facilities.

My husband and I were impressed with the services provided by the Hualapai Nation.  The facilities were well maintained, the food was good, and the young members of the tribe who served food, etc. provided good service and engaged in friendly conversation.

This week we have photos of the spirituality of the people of Grenada, Nicaragua posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. It does look a bit scary in this photo.

  2. I have been to the Grand Canyon a few times but have not been to the Skywalk. Definitely the next time I go, it will be there.
