Monday, May 7, 2012

Photo: Pool and Camelback Mountain

Here is another photo of the pool at our friend's house, with a reflection and a view of the head of Camelback Mountain.

You can see the white flowers of the oleanders that provide separation from her neighbors.  Oleanders are very popular because of the color and privacy they provide.  The newspaper has reported that there is a disease that is afflicting the oleanders in southern California.  If it spreads to Arizona there will be lots of unhappy homeowners, and their neighbors.

Sorry for the quality of the photos in this series, but I took these photos with a little point and shoot, as I did not want to carry a big camera into my friend's party.

We have new travel photos posted of Buddhist Bhutan posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.


  1. Our friend's house that you have been showing has a little elevation from the slope up towards Mummy Mountain, which helps her views of Camelback.

  2. These have been great photos! Sometimes the little point and shoot works just fine.

  3. You do this kind of shot soooo well!

  4. I want to go for a dip! Beautiful shot!

  5. Very inviting on a warm Arizona day.

  6. Thanks for taking such great photos of my house and party! You are amazing!!
