Monday, October 24, 2011

Scottsdale Art Fest

Here is another view from last weekend's ArtFest in downtown Scottsdale. There was sculpture, as you see here, paintings, fine art photography, jewelry, and many other artists.

Most of the booths seemed to be artists from out of state. They must have a circuit of art fairs at which they sell their creations. My husband and I enjoy and collect art, although we usually buy our art during our travels abroad, with the exception of our Native American art, which of course we buy in Arizona.

This week we are showing photos of the the Atacama Desert of northern Chiles on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. The colors and landscape are spectacular.


  1. Lucky you! No time these days to do anything... my first time missing this Art Fest...

  2. Some of these sculptures look like they might be pricier than the normal item one might pick up at a street fair.

  3. Love to look at all the art on display at these art fests. Now is the time of year for them.

  4. Since you let me know on Saturday about this fair, I went on Sunday to check it out. The only photo I took was the artist who created these circular sculptures. I looked back and he was seen right in the center of one of his creations. I was going to post it today but, decided I didn't really like it that much. Now I wish I did. It would have complimented yuor photo.
