Sunday, September 25, 2011

Surprise! Flowers!

This photo and post is by Dave, Julie's husband. Last night Julie returned from a business trip to the East Coast and this flower arrangement in our kitchen awaited her return.

Alas, I cannot take credit for this thoughtfulness or generosity. These flowers were delivered to our office on Friday, the gift of a client of Julie's who was obviously appreciative of her work for the client. I brought the flowers home and emailed a photo to her so she could begin enjoying them.

During our wedding ceremony, I surprised Julie by reading a poem that I wrote. One of the verses in the poem pledged to be as devoted to her as she is to her clients. It is a good thing I did not promise to be as thoughtful to her as her clients are to her, as I might be coming up short.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. This week we are posting photos of one of the most remarkable and beautiful buildings in the world, the Music Palace in Barcelona. If you have not been there, come take a look at the photos.


  1. i love that this way of thanking someone for work well done and deeply appreciated is still employed. this is a gorgeous arrangement. well done, julie!

  2. I think that might be the most gorgeous flower arrangement I've ever seen. What a nice surprise.

  3. Everyone in our office had the same reaction as Sharon. It is the most gorgeous flower arrangement that they (or I) have ever seen.

  4. Lovely! I am feeling very small right now. I have never received flowers like this from a client, nor have I given them to one who has served me. What a lout I am! Good for Julie's client and for you, Dave, for sharing them. Maybe this will prompt us to be a bit more generous in our daily lives . . .

  5. Wonderful wedding story, so lovely and full of humor. Great flowers.

  6. Wow. What a wonderful flower composition. It is a work of art which I admire. Thank for this beautiful photo.
