Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Photo: Golf Course Palm Tree Hazards

This is another lake at the McCormick Ranch Golf Course, which I also showed yesterday. The penalty for sending a shot off the fairway could easily put your next shot behind the trunk of a palm tree.

In addition to the amount of water, another way to tell that this is an older golf course is by the height of the palm trees. These trees were probably planted when the course was new about 40 years ago.

This week we have photos of the Music Palace in Barcelona, Spain on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site. It is one of the most remarkable and beautiful buildings in the world.


  1. are you finally home and enjoying your flowers?

  2. I guess I never realized there were so many palm trees on the edge of this golf course.

  3. The photo yesterday had no palm trees, yet this part of the same golf course is like a palm tree forest. A shot over in this direction could bounce around like a pin ball.

  4. This place would certainly challenge my golf game. I like my fairways wide, grassy and uninterrupted.

  5. These trees could pose quite a challange for a good golf score.
