Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Photo: Paradise Valley Backyard

When photographing some of the houses on Mummy Mountain, I took a quick photo into the backyard of one of the houses near where I was standing.  You can see that they have what is called a Sport Court for basketball, and a bronze statue of a child playing basketball, plus a lawn and a pool behind the house.

Most of the houses here have their own pools.  Sport Courts are not common.  As you can see from this photo, even though Paradise Valley has mostly desert landscaping, people still have traditional back yards with grass.  In our neighborhood, it is required that people have grass lawns in front.

I mentioned the lawsuit between neighbors a few days ago.  There was a complaint about backyard activities in Paradise Valley not too long ago.  Mike Tyson lives here and evidently his neighbors did not like the fact that he raised pigeons in his back yard.  I don't think I would be going to his house to complain about anything.

Mohammed Ali also lives in Paradise Valley, as do lots of professional athletes.  Major League baseball players especially like it here because their off season is our season of ideal weather, and about half of the Major League teams have Spring Training in the area, so they can live at home for an extra 6 weeks or so.

We are showing photos of the bottom of the Grand Canyon on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site this week.


  1. A back yard like that is like living at a resort.

  2. I love this little peek into their back yard.

  3. Great backyard. It's so strange having green lawns in AZ, kind of defeats the purpose for people who go there for lung or breathing ailments.

  4. Beautiful backyard. Wonder how many years the green lawn concept will be viable.
