Saturday, July 14, 2012

Photo: Church Yard of Our Lady of Guadalupe

This photo shows the side yard of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.  This community is very proud of their culture, heritage, history and religion.  As I mentioned, this Latino community has maintained their traditions for more than 100 years.

With these long roots in this area, you can perhaps imagine how they felt when Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio conducted one of his famous immigration sweeps in Guadalupe.  Most Anglos have lived in Arizona for only a few years, or perhaps a generation or two.  The Guadalupe community has been here for many generations.  Yet they were stopped and questioned about their citizenship.

My ancestors came to Arizona in covered wagons in the 1880's and started ranching.  The ranch is still in the family.  Generations ago people did not question the right of Latinos to be in Arizona.  They were here first.  Arizona was part of Mexico for hundreds of years until the 1840's, longer than Arizona has been part of the USA.

This week we are featuring photos of Golden Bangkok, Thailand on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  Its elaborate temples are architectural treasures.


  1. What a wonderful commentary! Thank you for that perspective. I'm on vacation in Biloxi and have been thinking about the Confederacy and state's rights. There is always two sides.

  2. Oh, and love the photo too! Really captures that heritage.

  3. This is a beautiful photo. Lived in Arizona 40 yrs. and the political climate has changed. Wish we could get back to cooperation, respect, and sanity on the immigration issue.

  4. Excellent post Julie, very well said. Personally, I think Human Rights tops States Rights.
