Sunday, June 10, 2012

Photo: Fido, Meet Rover

People like to bring their dogs to the Farmer's Market.  Maybe it is because they can't take dogs into a regular grocery store.  Or maybe they like to get a bit to eat at an outdoor cafe where they can bring their dogs after shopping at the Farmer's Market.  Or maybe it is because some of he booths at the Farmer's Market sell dog treats.

Whatever the reason, there is always activity in the form of dogs greeting dogs. In this case, it is a little Yellow Lab convention.  My husband had a Yellow Lab named Tortilla, a good Arizona name, that also matched the dog's color.

Tomorrow, I will show you a very different approach to bringing a dog to the Farmer's Market.

Today is Sunday, so we have new photos posted on our Viva la Voyage travel photo site.  This week we are showing the architecture of ancient Cambodia.


  1. I've noticed the same thing at the Phoenix Farmer's Market. Lots of dogs!

  2. Labs are smart, and have great personalities.

  3. I, too have seen lots of dogs at Farmer's markets...must be the thing to do.

  4. These are maybe from the same family??
    I remember the first year reunion for our black labs in a city park, it was so much fun!
